Our à la carte bridal bouquet is the perfect bouquet for your elopment or intimate wedding.
The bridal bouquet is available in 3 sizes: small, medium (standard) & large and 2 colour palettes: blush/light & colorful/vibrant.
The florals, design and ribbon is a designer's choice based on your favorite inspo photo.
Although florals are not guaranteed and are based on seasonal availability, we will do our best to accommodate and create the prettiest bouquet for your special day!
Please send your inspo photo to cotefleurs@outlook.com.
Pick up your bridal bouquet for free or choose 'delivery' before checking out.
*Any requests or online orders made less than 48 hours before the wedding date will be subject of an additional $100.00 charge.
À-la-carte bridal bouquet
Côté Fleurs is not responsible for the breaking, wilting, or browning of flowers once arrangements have been delivered or picked up. Client assumes all responsibility for the condition of the goods after reception.
Client acknowledges that weather conditions may impact the condition of their flowers during their event. It is hereby agreed by both parties that upon pick-up or delivery of the order, Côté Fleurs has fulfilled all obligations of the order.